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Ours to Love Page 5

  “I’m glad we are all in agreement because I never want to come between you two.” If I ever thought that was happening, I’d walk away, no matter how badly it hurt. I would never come between family.

  “Communication and honesty are key,” Logan said and Will and I both agreed. I was glad to be on the same page there.

  “Last question!” I said excitedly. Even though this question and answer session was necessary, I was ready to be done with it and just move forward. “Okay, so I love hugging you guys. We don’t need to talk about how much because I will embarrass myself.” I blushed at the memory of what I’d accidentally revealed at my work a couple of days ago. Logan and Will snickered, presumably remembering as well. “Anyway, does that bother you? If I hug you or hold your hand or kiss you in public? Because if I’m going to do that, I will do it with both of you and enjoy every second of it, but I’m sure some people will stare or laugh or say rude things.”

  “If anybody laughs or says something rude to you, I’ll just have to rip out their tongue,” Will said without so much as blinking.

  A shiver ran through me. “You know, I actually believe you might.” He shrugged and bit off a chunk of pizza. The man was terrifying in the sexiest way possible. I wasn’t terrified of him, though; I felt safe and cherished with him and Logan both. I just pitied the bastard who looked at them crossways. Or, more accurately, looked at me crossways.

  “I don’t care what people say,” Logan offered. He made no mention of tongue ripping. “I will proudly accept and return any and all PDA you want. If anyone has a problem with it, they can kiss my ass. Or I’ll kick theirs.” Ah, there was the threat. I knew one would be in there somewhere. Not as intense as Will’s, but that was what I’d come to expect with these two.

  “So, we’re in agreement with everything then?” I asked, hoping to wrap this up.

  “Sounds like it,” Logan smiled. Will winked and nodded his agreement.

  “So, now I can just relax and enjoy my sexy boyfriends?”

  Logan laughed and shook his head like I was silly, but Will smirked and bounced his brows at me. I’ll take that as a yes. Although, relaxation isn’t exactly what I got. Even as we veered the conversation away from stimulating topics such as sex and public displays of affection to mundane ones like sports, likes/dislikes and more getting to know each other, I still couldn’t fully settle down. Now that the nerves and uncertainty had died away, all that was left was a gentle buzz of excitement crawling over my skin. Everything was settled, this was happening, and it was real. By the time we’d destroyed our pizza, I was nearly bouncing in my seat with happiness.

  When Max dropped off the check before hurriedly moving away from our booth, Logan and Will gave me matching pointed looks that told me not to even think about grabbing my wallet. The slightest pang of guilt hit my stomach at them always wanting to treat me, but I also knew it was important to them; they wanted to provide and care for me, and damn if that didn’t make the warm and tinglies intensify.

  Will helped me from the booth and Logan held the door open for me as we all made our way outside. Then they both escorted me to my car. I felt like royalty. Sure, a king wouldn’t be about to climb into a beat-up old Nissan, but that was beside the point.

  Looking at the two of them, I really didn’t want the date to end. I considered asking them to see a movie or something; I knew they wouldn’t turn me down, but they looked tired, like they needed rest. I was sure they’d been working hard at the orchard, and they’d mentioned they talked a lot last night, which meant they probably didn’t sleep much. Will and Logan wanted to care for me, but I wanted to care for them, too. As much as I wanted to spend more time with them, I wanted what was best for them more, so I decided to bring the evening to a close. That didn’t mean I was letting them go before having a solid plan as to what came next.

  “When can I see you again?” I asked, looking between the brothers hopefully.

  “We got so busy talking I almost forgot,” Logan said, “We wanted to invite you to the Apple Festival this weekend.”

  “I would love to go!” I looked forward to the festival every year; there were rides, games, and more food vendors than I could count. Going with my men this year would make it even better.

  “Would it be okay if we picked you up?” Will asked.

  “Hmm…am I okay with being chauffeured by the two most gorgeous men on the planet to a festival I love for an evening of undoubted spoiling and attention?” I sighed dramatically. “I guess I’ll have to manage if it’s that important to you.”

  Will smirked at his brother. “We’ve got our hands full with this one.”

  “You wouldn’t want it any other way,” I teased.

  “Absolutely not,” Logan said seriously and gave me a heated look. The butterflies took flight in my belly again.

  I nervously tugged on the bottom of my shirt, only to find it was actually the hem of Logan’s jacket I was still wearing. “Oh, I almost forgot-” I began shrugging off the jacket, but Logan put his hands on mine to still them.

  “Keep it.”

  Keep something to snuggle up in that smells like Logan? Don’t mind if I do. Now I just had to come up with a way to snag something of Will’s. With plans that ranged from asking nicely to downright theft running through my mind, I zipped Logan’s jacket up snugly. It hung nearly to my knees and I had to roll the sleeves up to see my hands, but I had a feeling it was going to become a staple in my wardrobe. “Thank you. And thank you both for a wonderful evening. I’m looking forward to Saturday. I’ll text you my address later and if you’re not too busy, maybe you can call me tomorrow?” Yes, I was greedy. No, I didn’t feel bad about it.

  “You can count on that, sweetheart,” Will smiled.

  Feeling emboldened, I decided to give each man a peck on the cheek before I left. I approached Will first and cupped the side of his face, running my fingers over the soft hair that covered his jaw. When I raised up on my tiptoes to press my lips to his opposite cheek, Will turned his face at the last second and our lips met. My first kiss! I nearly fell backward from surprise, but luckily Will wrapped his arms around my waist and steadied me.

  I closed my eyes and melted against him. His lips were firm yet plush against mine. I folded my arms around his neck and soaked up every bit of the warmth from his body. Will didn’t try to deepen the kiss and neither did I. There was no need; it was perfect just like this. When I was finally able to peel myself away from Will and force my heavy eyelids open, he was looking back at me with a satisfied, if not a bit ornery, smile.

  When I stepped toward Logan, he raised his eyes from where they were fixed on the ground to meet mine. His features held no jealousy or anger; only longing. He didn’t need to worry. I didn’t consider my first kiss complete until I’d shared it with both of my men. I took Logan’s jaws in both of my hands to feel his facial hair against my palms. It was shorter and rougher than Will’s. I scratched at the scruff with my fingernails and Logan let out a quiet moan. He likes that. Good to know.

  I locked my fingers around the back of his head and pulled him down gently as I rose up to meet him. When Logan’s lips touched mine, my eyes drifted shut as peaceful warmth washed over me again. His hands settled on my hips and pulled my body flush with his.

  Kissing both men didn’t feel wrong or weird. I had no guilt or discomfort at showing both Will and Logan affection because I knew this is what we all wanted. Meeting to talk over everything was a great idea; now we could enjoy everything together with only positive emotions.

  I stepped back from Logan while my eyes were still closed, and my brain was still in a fog from the perfection of both kisses. I bumped into the trunk of my car and squeaked as I righted myself and forced my eyes open. Smooth. My men didn’t seem to care; they looked as kiss drunk as I felt. I stumbled around to the driver’s side door and fumbled with my keys until I was able to climb inside the car. I took a deep breath to steady my nerves before starting up the engine.

>   When I looked in my rearview mirror, Will and Logan were walking back to their truck. Will’s hand was on the back of Logan’s neck and he was shaking his brother around in a teasing way. It warmed my heart to see them getting along and acting as they normally would with each other after what just happened. It cleared away any lingering doubts about our relationship or their ability to accept everything between the three of us. I sighed with happiness before pulling out of the parking lot. This is going to be good.

  Chapter Four


  The drive to the festival was torture of the best and worst kind. The worst kind because Ryan was sitting beside me dressed in Logan’s jacket. I won’t deny how cute he looked in skinny jeans and loose white sweater with the big, baggy jacket swallowing him up. It wasn’t even that I minded my brother’s clothes on him; but I wanted something of mine on him as well. I would need to slip him something of mine, and soon.

  The best kind of torture came in the form of Ryan’s sexy little body squeezed between me and Logan in the front seat of our truck. Since my brother and I were big guys, squeezed is the appropriate word. Ryan was pressed against my right side as I drove, and he had one hand resting on my thigh and his other on Logan’s. Any time I hit a bump or pothole in the road, Ryan’s hand would bounce and scoot closer to my ever-hardening dick. I may have hit as many potholes as possible. Which just made the situation worse; all I really wanted to do was grab his wrist and push his palm up those last few inches to get the sweet contact I craved, but I was behaving myself. Contrary to popular belief, I could be a gentleman.

  When we pulled into the field that was roped off for parking, I breathed a sigh of relief. That is, until I stepped out of the truck and into a squishy patch of mud. It had rained the past couple of days, softening up the ground. The weather this evening was cool and dry, but cloudy enough that the earth hadn’t dried out yet. The actual festival was held on the asphalt of the city streets that had been blocked off, but the walk from the parking area would be a soggy one.

  I was wearing my work boots as usual, so it didn’t bother me any, but I didn’t want Ryan’s sneakers to get muddy. Like I said, gentleman. I leaned inside the truck and got Ryan’s attention before he stepped out.

  “It’s gross out here and I don’t want you to get your feet wet and dirty.” I turned so my back faced him and crouched down. “Climb on and I’ll carry you over to the asphalt.”

  Ryan gasped. “Are you serious? That’s so fun!” He scooted to the edge of the seat but stopped just as he was grabbing my shoulders. “Wait, I won’t hurt you, will I?”

  “No, sweetheart, I promise you won’t hurt me.” I was used to heavy lifting on the orchard. Besides, Ryan was so small, I was confident I could carry him with ease. When he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and legs around my waist, I stood up and discovered I was right. He was probably a good eighty to one hundred pounds less than my 230. I gripped him behind his knees and bumped the truck door shut with my hip. “Ready?”

  “Onward!” Ryan yelled, pointing his finger out in front of me. I jostled him on my back, making him clutch my shoulders and squeal with laughter.

  “You’re such a softie,” Logan teased when he joined us at the back of the truck to walk toward the festival.

  “Don’t tell anyone. I’ve got a reputation to uphold.” Logan huffed a laugh and rolled his eyes. “Besides, I only turn into a softie for this guy.” I jostled Ryan again, making him giggle.

  “Aww, thanks,” Ryan gushed before planting a kiss on my cheek. “I feel so special.”

  “You are special,” Logan insisted with a goofy smile pointed at Ryan. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. Ryan ate it up, though, aww-ing again and leaning over to peck Logan’s cheek. His goofy smile only got bigger. My brother was over the damn moon for the guy on my back. Of course, I couldn’t tease too much since I was too.

  We stepped off of the muddy field and onto the street lined with vendors. Ryan climbed off of me to stand on his own two feet. I immediately missed the warmth and pressure of his body on mine. Before I could pout – scratch that; before I could brood (brooding is way manlier), Ryan snatched up my left hand and Logan’s right. He looked so proud to be standing between us and staking his claim for everyone to see. My chest may have puffed up a bit, too.

  “Where would you like to go first, baby?” Logan asked Ryan. He apparently didn’t care where I wanted to go first, but that was okay. I didn’t care where he wanted to go, either. Tonight was all about our man.

  Our man. It was strange how much that thought didn’t bother me. I loved my brother and was quickly falling in love with the man to my left. Of course, I had to be careful not to say that shit out loud so soon. I didn’t want to scare him away. But the fact remained that these were the two most important people in my life, and I couldn’t be happier with the relationship we had. Well, that’s not entirely true. Sex would probably make me even happier, but I would never push Ryan. Especially knowing it would be his first time, which was a thrill in itself. I would wait as long as the sweet man needed. Until then, I had a right hand that worked just fine. I’m a gentleman, not a saint.

  “Hmm.” Ryan looked all around, studying the layout of the festival. In front of us were countless food vendors and several booths selling arts and crafts. To the left were carnival-style rides and the road to the right held midway games. “I’m pretty hungry. Is it okay if we get some food first?”

  “Of course.” Logan lifted Ryan’s hand and kissed his knuckles. Dammit. I wished I was better at thinking of romantic shit like that to do. If I did it now, I’d just look like a copycat. Wait a minute; I carried him across the mud. Hell yeah! That’s romantic as fuck. I mentally fist bumped myself. “There’s just about anything you could want here. Plus, apple flavored everything. What are you in the mood for?”

  “Seeing as it’s a festival, I think we need something deep fried on a stick,” Ryan answered seriously, making me chuckle. “Then we’ll get some apple desserts.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Hey, why don’t you guys have a booth here to sell your apples? You grow all kinds of them.” Ryan looked back and forth between us as we started toward the food.

  “Too many people,” I answered. I shuddered at the thought of being surrounded by noisy crowds and screaming kids all weekend. However much money we’d make wouldn’t be worth that. Besides, we did really well financially through the orchard alone, especially since profits were just split between the two of us, minus some occasional help and expenses.

  “Our apples are here, though,” Logan said. “We sell a lot right before the festival to local vendors; our cider too.”

  “Hold up.” Ryan dug his feet into the ground until we all stopped walking. “You guys make your own cider? Why am I just now hearing about this? I freaking love hot apple cider.” His tongue ran along his lips. “Look at this! I’m drooling just thinking about it!”

  We were looking, alright. With the way Ryan’s tongue moved across his glistening lips, there was no way I could look at anything else.

  “Well-” Logan’s voice hitched. He cleared his throat and tried again. “Well then, there’s a booth at the end of the street we’ll stop at later. They serve our cider hot with cinnamon sticks.”

  Ryan moaned an obscene sound that had my jeans tightening. Thank god my Henley top was long enough to cover the evidence. I squeezed his hand and got us walking again before I embarrassed myself right there in the street.

  “Fried cheese on a stick!” Ryan yelled suddenly. It was so loud and so random I couldn’t help but laugh. “What?” He looked genuinely confused. “Have you never had it? It’s good.”

  “You are too cute,” I said with another laugh. “Come on, let’s go buy you some fried cheese.”

  “On a stick,” he reminded.

  I snorted. “On a stick.” I bought Ryan the fried heart attack on a stick and watched as he devoured it. He made Logan and me eat some too and I have to admit,
it was a delicious heart attack on a stick. Then we chomped our way through corn dogs, fries (which, according to Ryan, tasted way better out of a cup than the sleeves at fast food restaurants) and apple dumplings. Our last stop was the booth at the end of the street where Logan purchased three cups of hot cider.

  Ryan smelled his drink and moaned again. The man was clearly trying to kill me. My free hand not holding my cup was clenched in a tight fist as I watched him dip his tongue into the liquid to test the temperature. He touched his lips to the rim of the cup and sipped a drink. His eyes closed and his head tipped back on his shoulders. “Oh god, that’s so good.” Yep, trying to kill me.

  Logan wasn’t faring much better than I was; his mouth was gaped open as he took in the scene, and his eyes were about to pop right out of his head.

  “Mmm, so hot and delicious,” Ryan continued. He wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb to collect a drop of cider which he then sucked off of his finger.

  “Sweetheart, please,” I begged breathlessly. I couldn’t handle any more teasing.

  Ryan’s eyes popped open and he looked concerned. “What?” He looked over at Logan for answers, but the man just continued to stare. Ryan looked back at me. “What’s wrong?”

  Oh, dear lord, help me. He wasn’t even teasing on purpose. He’s just that naturally sexy and doesn’t even know it. Whenever he did decide to tease, I may actually die.

  “Nothing’s wrong,” I said quickly. “I was just saying please…um…tell me what you want to do next.” It was total bullshit of course, but I didn’t want Ryan to get embarrassed or self-conscious.

  “Oh.” He flashed me a pretty smile. “Well, first I want to finish this yummy cider and then maybe we can go look at the games?”


  Ryan unknowingly tormented Logan and me while moaning and sighing over the last drinks of his cider. Logan pulled on the bottom of his hoodie a couple of times to make sure he was covered. I would have laughed if I wasn’t in the same damn position.